How to live a happy life? Happy life is one of the hot potatoes in the modern world. A happy life is one filled with meaningful experiences and positive emotions. Happy life involves taking care of one’s physical and mental health. Nowadays as the people are busy with their jobs and business so much that they do not even have enough time to live their life at their will. Moreover, the excessive and unmitigated use of modern technology has added fuel to fire. This dismal condition has enhanced the depression among the folks.

If you are facing similar kind of trouble in your life and are unable to find happiness in it then you have come to the right place. Here I will discuss the key to happiness from my own life experience, that might be worth reading for you.

Happy life

The Keys to happier life

Happy life Some keys after which you will no more be in need to find an answer pertaining to ‘how to live a happy life?’ are as under:

Sometimes “Stopping is Better than Rushing”

This might seem weird to one that how could stopping be better than moving forward? However it is a proven fact that the lust for power, money, prestige, etc. makes us run a bit too fast in the race of life and as a result we somehow move away from the happy life. This makes us lethargic and despite achieving our goals we seem to lose the meaning of life and resultantly happiness in our life becomes a farfetched dream.

It is to be kept in mind that I am in no way against the concept of progress. But the progress in my opinion, must be sustainable and must not be an enemy to one’s happiness. For that purpose one must know where to stop in the life for the achievement of internal peace and happiness along with the progress.

One must not only Take, but also Give Something in Return

There is no denying the fact that if one relies on taking (things, privileges or anything) from others and not giving anything in return s/he becomes selfish. The concept of taking and achieving/accomplishing paves the way for excessive dopamine flow within the brain. This ultimately creates mental imbalance. This imbalance creates an increased urge for more dopamine flow. This ends up in a desire for more things, more accumulation of resources and more accomplishments. This vicious circle is detrimental for happiness in one’s life. Because an excessive dopamine receiver never gets satisfied from anything whatsoever.

On contrary, if one gives something to others, it gives a sense of compassion to a person’s soul which helps him/her in achieving mental satisfaction. By giving, one’s brain gets oxytocin which is a hormone for compassion and helps in achieving internal peace and happiness. Activities like planting new trees and watering them regularly can be really helpful.

Forgive and Forget

The key to be happy in life lies in getting rid of the emotional bag and baggage from the past. One must try to forget the traumatic conditions of past events. Forgetting such kind of events is virtually impossible without forgiving the people responsible for those happenings. By doing so you will get rid of immense pressure within your brain. This will release your stress and ultimately some positive thoughts will hit your brain. This will lead you to a happier life.

Have a Hobby

There is a formula for happiness which divides 24 hours into four fragments of eight hours each. Work, sleep time and friends and family cover the first three chunks. Hobbies gets its last chunk. This shows how much having a hobby is important for the happiness in life. Its manifestation can easily be seen from the lives of people with hobbies in comparison the ones with none. One can easily note that the lives of the former will be much more happier than the latter.

Meditation and Sports

Meditation helps a person in focusing better on things. The ability to focus helps one prioritize one’s daily chores; including personal as well as professional stuff. As a result the person with well demarcated priorities happens to be having a more streamlined life with more peace of mind.

Furthermore, joining some sports activity also leads one to have a happy life. Not only does it boost one’s health and ultimately mental health, but also provide one with an opportunity to overcome cognitive dissonance by joining the group and group activities.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

The maxim ‘ A man is known by the company he keeps’ has now become a graffiti as it has been used a bit too much. Nonetheless, its meaning has yet not been fully understood by most of the people. What it actually means is that a person is a sum total of the company s/he keeps. That is if one has the company comprising the people with positive mental attitude, s/he will definitely become the same and vice versa. Therefore it is important to be around the positive people instead of the negative ones.

Say no to Drugs

Drugs are one of the most abominable ailments which impact one’s life adversely. Without any doubt they provide one with an immediate escape from the bitterness of the events taking place in one’s life in a given time, but the matter of fact is that they only give a pause to all the inflictions and are unable give any solution to the problem.

This is what I call the pigeon effect, that is, like the pigeon closes its eyes when it sees the cat approaching towards itself and by doing so it thinks that it is safe from the claws of the cat. Similar happens with the drug addict. Besides drug abuse also creates the imbalances in the body and brain which adds insult to injury. So in order to stay happy one must stay away from drug addiction.

Spending Time with Family

Family is the backbone of any society. The family members are the only ones who love you unconditionally. Spending quality time with them can help you ease your stress. The regular family trips and other events are without any doubt a source of happiness. So, to make the long story short, it can be said that a happy person is a family person.

Have a Healthy Dietary Plan

Recent researches have shown that the obese people tend to be more mentally ill than the physically fit folks. So in order to stay away from obesity one must opt for healthy diet plans. In addition to this, one can also use happy and colorful fruits and vegetables like banana, strawberry, cucumber, etc. They also give a happy affect to a person’s brain.

To sum up, it can be said that bringing simplicity to the life and having more dynamic approach towards life can give oneself the true happiness. Nevertheless, I’m also a human as you are so my insight of the approach towards a happy life might not be the same as yours. However, I am pretty sure that one can at least find a path towards happiness if she/he follows the above mentioned. If you want to share your viewpoint with me then be my guest and feel free to express yourself in the comment section below.

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