end of the world

Is end of the world coming immediately is an issue for everyone. Everyone has commented on the matter. The subjects like religion, science and geography have commented on end of the world. But no one can justify it well except science.

Here I am not saying that there is no possibility for what the others say. They might be right or wrong. But, the scientific aspect has more to offer. Science properly explains end of the world. The aspects, which are evidence that the violent end of the world might come soon are.

End of the World viralskart

Signs of End of the World

As told above that science explains the end of the world in a better way. So it is necessary that we looked into it. The scientific explanations of the end of the world are of two types. They are:

Natural Causes of End of World

There are some natural causes of end of the world. These causes might include a space object hitting the world or a massive volcanic eruption may cause it. Or the sun dies. Brief details of the natural chances are:

A Space Object Might Hit Earth

Heard about Star wars? Ha ha well there are no such chances. But did you know that the moon was once a part of earth? Well the case is that in the starting time of our solar system, the planets were hit by space objects. A huge object, probably a small planet present in the then solar system struck earth. So a lot of soil of the Earth eroded and Moon was formed. Same could happen if something which is at least size of the Earth strikes it. But this is impossible as the solar system is stable now so there is no such danger.

But, what if something from outside hits the Earth? Well this can happen but 0.000000000000000000000001% chances of such a thing are there.

Stars Die, So can the Sun

Stars die and so does their solar systems. The Sun is a medium sized star and before its death it will swell and eat out all the Earthlike planets save Mars. Then it will either die. This would be detrimental and will end the world. But this would not happen soon. As the Sun has lived half of its life and that is 4.5 B years. So it might take place after 4 B years.

Can a Volcanic Eruption Cause End of the World?

Well yes!!! The evidence of such an event is the six mass extinctions which took place due to it. If anything of such sort happens on a greater level. This could end all the life from earth. But we can’t say 100% because no one knows much of plate tectonics and volcanoes. So we can’t say much.

So the natural causes clearly show that the end of the world is not possible too early. At least no one can say with surety.

Human Made Causes of end of World

Wait a minute stay there. Why are we talking about the natural causes of end of the world when we have men for that? Yes, we are doing it right. The humans are doing things which will rush end of the world are:

Global warming

Global warming is changing the world. It will cause its end. It is increasing greenhouse effect. At least 1° will up by the end of 21st Cent. Global warming causes issues such as:

Melting of Ice sheet

The Ice sheet from poles is melting. So 50 years later all the ice sheet will end. The seas will rise. This rise will cause many cities to go under water. Countries like Maldives will come under water. It will be the beginning of the end. As the crisis will start growing.

High Temperatures and Disasters

High temperatures also destroys the world. They are causes flooding, crop failure, glacier melting and drying the rivers. So issues of food shortage, destruction of houses and displacement are common things now. This marks the beginning of the end of world. As the food and livelihood ends, so the existence of life in the longer run will end. The countries will start wars for water and resources, this will add fuel to fire. So the end of race would start from such wars.

More Heat waves

The heat will grow more and more, so a time may come when the greenhouse gases will not be manageable and the Earth would become hell like Venus. So this will also ignite end of the world. It is proven that Venus was once like Earth. But some events changed it and made it a hell. Same will happen if we do not stop.

Sea floor Mining

Seafloor mining like: nickel, copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc, gold are taking place now. This can cause volcanic eruptions. As the earth crust from the sea floor is not more than 10 km. So if it happens, it will ignite the end of world. Because if the oceans die, so will planet.

To sum up, it can be said that the man made causes of the end of world are more than other causes. But we can tackle them if we work hard. If we do not then end of world is a must. I am a human and I may have made mistakes in my blog. If you want to add something, feel free to share. Stay tuned for more. If you want me to write a topic, you can also share in the comments. Have a good time. Stay safe. Thank You.

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