Want to know about CHAT GPT’S surprising dangers? Chat GPT is an AI tool that we all know pretty well about. No doubt it has brought a revolution in the realm of knowledge. Nonetheless, many people apprehend it that there might be some hidden dangers and problems of Chat GPT in future.

Here I will discuss those threats and issues which came into my mind regarding Chat GPT’s threats. Additionally, I will also try to give some recommendations about minimizing the impacts of those dangers.

Major Problems And Dangers

Some of the major problems which came into my mind while I was thinking of Chat GPT are as under:

More Dependency of Humans on CHAT GPT/ Machines

Firstly, the usage of AI tools like Chat GPT by humans has made them too dependent on such tools. The implications of such things might be horrific for us in the longer run. This is so because the humans might end up being handicapped by such tools and might not do things on their own. In such case, human beings will lose aspects of creativity from their brains.

We are only distinguished species because of our creativity and problem solving brains. If we lose this nothing worth mentioning will be left of us. Ultimately, we will become lazy a parasitic species feeding on someone else’s efforts.

However, there is one thing which must be kept in mind, that is, the films showing the AI dominate human beings is a mere exaggeration. Those fictions does not have anything to do with the reality.

We Live In A Data-Driven World CHAT GPT

Secondly, there is no doubt that we live in the world determined by data. So, in my humble opinion, the owners of Chat GPT will have great access to the data existing on the internet. One might ask that the data is already existing on the internet so how can it be more accessible to the owners of Chat GPT. The answer to this is simple, that is, the data is no doubt already existing on the internet, but it is lying there in the form of scattered fragments. However, when a person gives a specific command to GPT, it simply bridges the data. This bridging of data makes it create new knowledge and more preciseness about a given issue.

This might give immense power to the beholder of technology. After acquiring such data, the beholder of it can do many things which could give him / her power to dominate others. By getting such technology, the beholder can do the following things. She / he can maneuver the market patterns. She / he can sell data to some third party which can have bad intentions etc.


What if his Tool Goes into Wrong Hands?

Thirdly, another question which comes into a common person’s mind is that what if it gets hacked by some rogue terrorist organization? Or by a rogue country? What if some adversary state hacks it and uses it to maneuver the data of its enemy state? What will happen if some international criminal group use its data for trafficking humans and drugs? Or What if someone uses it for nuclear proliferation?

These scenarios will be horrific not only for international security but also for the human security. In my opinion, this hazard lies at the top of all the problems and dangers of CHAT GPT. Therefore, the concerned parties must fix these loopholes. In order to do so, an International effort should be put forth in order to mitigate CHAT GPT’s surprising dangers. However, the international effort must not be confined to dealing with CHAT GPT only but it must incorporate the likes of it as well.

Sometimes it Gives False Information

Last but not the least, CHAT GPT often misinterprets the information. In two ways, it might be troublesome.

First, the false information misleads the individual to commit errors relating to information. Lastly, the false information acquired by the individual might float on social media which might end up in misleading a greater number of people. Such a thing can ignite many issues. For instance, the people might get wrong information about the government’s policy that might end up in igniting a violent protest against it.

Some People Might Lose their Jobs

It is an apprehension that CHAT GPT can eat out the jobs of many people including the content creators and other people related to the world of knowledge. Several people are concerned about it as well.

What can we do to Minimize CHATGPT’s Surprising Dangers

The things which we can do to mitigate CHAT GPT’s surprising dangers are as under:

Reliance on One’s Own Guts and Skills

Humans are the most intelligent living creature in the known universe. This is what makes us peculiar from everyone else. So, in order to solve the problems in the modern world of knowledge and information, we must count on our own selves and not on a mere machine.

Keep in mind that I am in no way against CHAT GPT or any likes of it. All I am saying is that one should use them on smaller scale and must not consider it as the substitute for one’s own brain.

Keep It From Getting Into The Wrong Hands

The responsibility of keeping it safe from the wrong hands falls on the beholders of this technology. However, it is also the states’ responsibility to monitor this tool both solitarily as well as collectively in collaboration with other states. This will improve cyber world.

The solution to many Problems is the Human Being Itself

Humans are no doubt the problem creators. But it is also the humans who solve them. For instance, the human race was considered to be running out of food in early 19th century. However, it did not happen in reality. Because humans found a way to increase the crop yield. They can do the same about CHAT GPT’S surprising dangers.

To sum up, it can be said that CHATGPT has pros and cons like any other tool. However, human efforts can overcome its wrongs. My opinion contains human error so pardon me if I am wrong. The comments section is open for your kind feedback. Thanks a lot. Have a safe surfing.

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