Amazon Rain Forest

Today we will tell you things about the Amazon Rainforest that you have never heard before, The Amazon Rainforest is the largest forest in our world, It starts from the US state of Venezuela and ends at Bolivia.

If we talk about the area, it is spread over fifty five lakh kilometers, This means that this forest is big enough to fit the United Kingdom 23 times.

20% of the oxygen we breathe now comes from the Amazon rainforest. There are more than 40,000 million trees in this forest that take carbon dioxide from us and provide us with fresh oxygen.

The total area of the Amazon Rain Forest is 5.5 million km, but if we talk about its border, its border is 9500 km, This means that the area has become so large that seven rounds can be made from New Delhi to Mumbai or from Karachi to Islamabad.

Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is called the Amazon rainforest because there is hardly a week that goes by without rain, There are so many trees in the Amazon rainforest that when it rains, the rainwater falls to the ground after a ten minutes. And because of the large number of trees, the Amazon Rain Forest is dark even during the day because such dense trees do not allow even the rays of the sun to fall on the ground.

Because of the rain and the perfect ecosystem, there are also species of birds and animals found here that are only found in the Amazon rainforest. 40000 species of trees, Thirteen hundred bird species, Twenty-two hundred species of fish, 427 species of animals, And 380 species of exotic reptiles are found in Amazon Rain Forest. If we talk about small insects, 2.5 million small insects have been seen in the Amazon rainforest so far.

The Amazon Rainforest is as beautiful to behold as it is dangerous, Because very dangerous species of animals are also found in Amazon Rain Forest. Among them, the name of green anaconda comes to the top. This green anaconda is the world’s largest snake found only in the Amazon forest. This green anaconda is thirty feet long and weighs two hundred and fifty kilograms. This anaconda is so big that it can even hunt a tiger.

There is also a species of frog found in the Amazon rainforest that is completely transparent and This frog’s skin also shows all its small parts and Organs, His beating heart is palpable and veins are also visible, this is called a Glass Frog.

There is also an ant species found in the Amazon rainforest that is extremely dangerous, It is the largest ant in the world which is four centimeters long it is called Bullet Ant. If this ant bites a person, the pain caused by it is so great that it can even kill the person. The pain of this ant bite is similar to the pain of a bullet, That is why it is called a bullet ant.

The second longest river in the world also passes through the Amazon forest, And it is the largest river in the world in terms of water flow, it is called Amazon River, The total length of Amazon River is 6840 km. Amazon River is so big that 219,000 cubic meters of water flows through it in one second.

Amazon Rainforest

Strange creatures have also been spotted in the Amazon River, In which the top name is Pink Dolphin, Pink dolphins can grow up to nine feet long and weigh up to 200 kilograms. And these dolphins are more intelligent than other dolphins because their brains are bigger than other dolphins. But the pink dolphin is the only dolphin that can attack humans.

There is also a river in the Amazon jungle where the water is always boiling, The length of this river is six and a half kilometers. The water temperature in this river ranges from ninety to hundred degrees Celsius, Till today, no one has been able to know the reason for the boiling of this water.

There are also about 600 tribes living in the Amazon jungle who hunt and live in Amazon Rain Forest. There are many tribes among them who have not seen the outside world till date.

This is a little information about Amazon Rain Forest, we hope you liked this article.

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