How to make Speedy Pizza in 10 Minutes

The Quickest method to make a Homemade Speedy pizza, Ready in only 10 Minutes

Lets Start the Speedy Pizza Recipe 

This is what you will need for speedy pizza

Sourdough Starter  250 grams for 2 pizzas


You need a strong flour and a mixture of whole meal


Normal tap water on a room temperature

Vegan Mozzarella or any vegan cheese

A good quality Italian Tomato passata

Ground Pepper and fresh basil

How to make Speedy Pizza

Lets start Recipe

We need to do to make the base, Mix all ingredients together in a bowl

Mix it together into a Dough and season it with topping and bake it

Bake it only 7 to 8 minutes in oven on 250 temperature then remove it and add the rest of the toppings

Now bake it for extra 5 minutes until cheese has melted

Your Speedy Pizza is ready Now